Courteney Cox very wonderful Bikini Pictures

 New to our Celebrity Bikini Gossip family is the very wonderful Courteney Cox! I love her so much. I’ve been a fan of hers ever since I was a youngster. The very first time I saw her was when she danced in a Bruce Springsteen video way back when. Who knew she would become one of the most famous and recognized celebrities in the world. I love her show Cougar Town. I view it all of the time and laugh out loud. I can’t wait until her new movie Scream four comes out. The best thing about Courteney is that she’s amazing on TV and in movies and that’s double trouble for all of those other actresses out there. I wish her the best with her marriage and sometimes a separation makes it even better when a married couple reunites. Keep up the really good work Courteney. You look FABULOUS in your white bikini.

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