Emma Watson Reveals Everything About Her Life And Career (Vogue US July 2011)

Many people envy Emma Watson (Check out Emma Watson’s bio) thinking she has everything one can ever want. But only few really understand which she has deserved all this through working hard. This girl has been shooting films since the age of nine which means she didn’t have much time for usual kids’ games and pastimes. She had to sacrifice all these to her future successful career. When she grew older and finished school she knew she wanted to get good education and that of course brought complications as she could hardly both study full-time and play her ongoing Hermione role. And again she did it all spending little time for herself and dedicating all the rest to her duties. Sounds hard, doesn’t it? This is what Emma Watson reveals to an interviewer of Vogue US (July 2011 issue). No, she doesn’t complain, she just tells everything as it is.

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